Hydrological studies
Hydrology is the science that studies the distribution, movement and properties of water on Earth. It encompasses the analysis of processes related to water, such as precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, surface and underground runoff, storage in natural and artificial reservoirs, among others. The fundamental objective of hydrology is to understand the hydrological cycle and how water interacts with the atmosphere, soil, vegetation and the various forms of relief in the river basin.
We collect data on hydrological conditions in certain regions, analyze climate patterns, study the geographic characteristics of river basins and develop models to predict future behavior related to water flows. With this study, we play a crucial role in the sustainable management of water resources, preventing floods and understanding the impacts of human activities on the water cycle.
Flood flow
Knowing the maximum flows of water lines, it is possible to design engineering works that can withstand or resist the force of the water accumulated at these points, such as bridges, aqueducts, channels, etc.
We use the latest computer tools to obtain and work with the necessary data, both for obtaining accurate and current Digital Terrestrial Models, as well as for carrying out the necessary calculations to determine the hyetograms, hydrograms and peak flood flows.
Sediment analysis
In rivers, sediment analysis is essential to assess water quality, soil erosion and the health of aquatic ecosystems. Excessive sediment accumulation can result in siltation, harming aquatic fauna and flora, in addition to compromising navigation capacity and water infrastructure. In reservoirs, the study of sediments becomes vital to understand changes in the morphology of the reservoir bed over time.
Sediment accumulation can reduce water storage capacity, affect water quality, influence the effectiveness of flood control structures, and even reduce hydropower production capacity.
Through granulometric analysis of the sediments transported by rivers during a flood (and beyond) it is possible to predict the erosion of the riverbed near pillars and bridge abutments. It is also possible to predict in which areas sediment accumulation may occur, and thus avoid this situation, which could be harmful to river navigation.